by bvcharlesart_qj5o20 | Aug 3, 2022
Jackson & Mason Dream Big Design NarrativeTarget AudienceDesign Solution “Mason & Jackson Dream Big” is a children’s activity book for the St. Johhs County Sheriff’s office. The horses are real deputy horses on the force. The narration...
by bvcharlesart_qj5o20 | Apr 27, 2022
Slavic Mythology Design NarrativeTarget AudienceDesign Solution Myth Lore Book is a book series that explains various mythologies. Each book focuses on a part of a location to keep it organized and informed of what fairy tales other cultures tell. The point of the...
by bvcharlesart_qj5o20 | Apr 26, 2022
Hello! Your company caught my eye with its fun and vibrant visual style in the graphic design world. I am a graduate of Flagler College with a BA in Graphic Design and a minor in Illustration and Fine Arts. Your company has a heavy lean on Motion Graphics which caught...
by bvcharlesart_qj5o20 | Apr 26, 2022
Hello! Your company caught my eye with how versatile your work is in the field of motion graphics. I am a graduate of Flagler College with a BA in Graphic Design and a minor in Illustration and Fine Arts. I have looked into your work and am blown away by how your...
by bvcharlesart_qj5o20 | Apr 10, 2022
Stuck With U Design NarrativeTarget AudienceDesign Solution Stuck with U’ is a webcomic series that focuses on a slice of life with supernatural beings thrown in. The goal is to create a logo that defines the comic, a website that is easy for readers to read the...