Fewer Slices Awareness

Conservation International is a nonprofit, environmentalist organization that works
on protecting nature. Especially today with the increase of companies and the explanation of land for consumption. Environmental ads all rely heavily upon portraying dark imagery of animals or devastation for the audience to give a shock factor for their actions. However, the big picture for Conservation International is to create an ad that doesn’t rely heavily on dark tones. Instead create ads that can be used as metaphors, most notably applying everyday life people have experienced. Relating that imagery for the audience to understand on a personal level can create a strong connection for viewers.
The ages range from early twenties to late fifties with education between high school to bachelor’s degree. The income is between $10,000 to $70,000 a year. The target audience is individuals who primarily live in cities or areas with heavy crowds of people. The target audience is mainly for the audience to have a higher consumer amount with materialistic items and produce. The target audience is meant to learn and reflect of their actions to better themselves in the future.
This ad campaign works as a whole because it isn’t dark or gritty
to make people feel the unease of how pollution has increasingly
worsened over the years. Though it isn’t lighthearted to shrug away
the issue. The ads campaigns are simple and strike an easy core with
people as everyone can relate to food. Especially always taking all the
slices as possible. It’s a simple, everyday task that can have a deeper
metaphor for a real issue. The simple but geometric illustration styles
are identifiable and can grab people’s attention more.

The ads is using the concept of food as a replacement for the earth. The idea of how if people keep on taking, eventually there won’t be any Earth left. It’s an easy click for the audience. The first ad is a pizza, second is pie, and third is cake.

The interactive ad would be an outside screen where people can touch and drag their hands to grab a slice of pie. They can keep taking until there is nothing left but instead a message is revealed of being more careful of consumption for the Earth.